What is an Ear Infection?

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An ear infection, also known as acute otitis media, is an infection that occurs in the middle ear. The middle ear is the space behind the eardrum that contains the tiny bones that transmit sound to the inner ear.

What Causes Ear Infections?

Ear infections are caused by bacteria or viruses that enter the middle ear and begin to multiply. The most common cause of ear infections is a viral or bacterial infection in the upper respiratory tract, such as a cold or the flu, which spreads to the middle ear.

Ear infections are most common in children, but adults can also develop them. In children, ear infections are often treated with antibiotics, but in some cases, the infection will clear up on its own. Pain relief medication and a warm compress applied to the ear can help alleviate symptoms.

In some cases, fluid may build up in the middle ear after an ear infection, leading to recurrent infections or hearing loss. In these cases, a procedure called a myringotomy, which involves creating a small hole in the eardrum to drain the fluid, may be necessary.

What are symptoms of a middle ear infection?

  • Ear pain

  • A feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear

  • Temporary hearing loss

  • Drainage from the ear

  • Fevers

  • Dizziness and/or vomiting

  • In children, tugging or pulling of ear can be a sign of an ear infection

Diagnosing middle ear infections

Your healthcare provider will need to look inside the ear and will use an otoscope, a lighted device, to determine if there is a middle ear infection. The eardrum may have dilated blood vessels and may be bulging or infected fluid (pus) may be visible through the eardrum.

Middle Ear Infection (Otitis Media) Treatments

Middle ear infections usually clears up on its own in one to two weeks. If middle ear infection symptoms worsen, your healthcare provider may prescribe an antibiotic. If an antibiotic is prescribed, will need to complete it as directed. Pain can also be treated with over the counter pain medication and warm compresses.

Prevention of middle ear infections

If you are susceptible to recurrent ear infections, here are some helpful tips:

  • Treat any allergy symptoms with antihistamines and nasal sprays.

  • Keep mucus secretions thin by drinking lots of fluids.

  • Get your flu vaccine.

  • Practice good hygiene with good hand washing.

  • Quit smoking or avoid second hand smoke.